Coisas Com as Quais Não Imaginava Concordar Há Apenas Uns Dois Anos Mas que Agora Subscrevo - Parte 1

"The history that music criticism constantly refers back to is both narrow and inaccurate, warped by gender/race/class/lifestyle values that it mostly still doesn’t own up to. I see no value in picking up any of its bullshit received wisdom; pretty much every bad piece of criticism I come across is actually a direct consequence of people buying into that received wisdom, “haphazardly picking up information” second hand and passing it off in order to “pass” as a member of some sort of imagined music crit inner circle. Bullllllshit! I still resent the brief period (about 6-9 months, in my first year of university) during which I attempted to do exactly that, in the misguided notion that I had to cleave to certain opinions and values in order to “present” myself as someone who was permitted to talk and write about music. The very last thing anyone should be doing is allowing themselves to be socialised by the culture of music criticism."

(palavras de Alex Macpherson, tiradas daqui)


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