"It's safe to say, at least for the time being, that electronic music's futurist impulse has run its course. From Kraftwerk and Cybotron through Chicago house and Detroit techno, electronic music has always rooted itself firmly in a futurist continuum stretching back to the beginning of the 20th Century. Acid house began with a project called Phuture, after all, and throughout the '90s, electronic music generally mirrored Western culture's technological optimism, secure in the belief that advances in hardware and software were creating a better world one circuit at a time."

(Philip Sherburne, no De:Bug)

Música: Greatest, Bee Gees.


Anónimo disse…
O 'impulso futurista' a que o sherburne se refere agora é outro. Mutou-se. É pena que ele ainda não tenha percebido isso e que pareça estar já a vaticinar o fim dos tempos para a música electrónica.

e esse impulso está mesmo aí à mão de semear, o sherburne só tem que procurar nos lugares certos.

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