Dois textos que me recordam porque é que, há coisa de um ano, mudei de eixo. Anwyn Crawford, no seu blogue Popular Demand, explica porque é que vai deixar de gastar dinheiro com a Wire (eu deixei há mais tempo, mas devia ter cortado com aquilo logo em 1995). Citação: Such an exchange typifies the dynamic that underpins The Wire: as self-anointed chronicler of the global musical underground its relationship with pop music is at best ambiguous, and at worst reeks of an adolescent, male, Puritan hostility. It is the trained revulsion of boys to pink glittery things and dolls, transferred to the arena of music in which ‘pop’ is associated with those weak feminine qualities of consumption and pleasure. So boys are encouraged to make loud obnoxious noises in the sandpit with their toy trucks. Paul Morley, no Observer, diz que a pop está a morrer . Mais um a juntar-se a uma velha guarda da crítica musical incapaz de lidar com o rumo que as coisas tomam com o passar do tempo, ...